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GTFS SL - Issues to report

My name is Lior and I'm Presales Data Engineer from Optibus company 
We started a qualifications meetings with Afry and we took their data from this site - SL gtfs. We noticed that you have in the file 2 issues that we would like to report and we think that it worth for you to fix this issues in your files: 
  1. More than 1500 service IDs - one for each specific date, creating a lot of mess and without a specific logic - need to change and to create service IDs with logic.
  2. Duplicate Trip IDs in the trips.txt file - that's mean - many trip IDs have more than 1 row in the trips.txt file. GTFS must have unique trips IDs. more than 1 trip ID is a violation of the GTFS scheme.


  • Hi Lior,

    We'd be happy to investigate this in order to improve our GTFS feed. Could you confirm that you are using the GTFS Regional data for SL?

    I checked the data, both for today and the 25th of July, and found no more than 1000 service ids. These service ids are for services containing multiple dates, and are re-used across different trips. Do you have a specific example here?

    Regarding the duplicate trip ids, could you provide an example? I tried to recreate this using the GTFS file we created for SL at the 25th of july, but the MobilityData validator I used did not find any duplicate ids.


    Bert på Trafiklab

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