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Question Regarding Our API Keys

We are students at Hyper Island and working on a hypothetical SL project for our web development class.

Vi har problemer med å integrere API-en på vår side, og spørgsmålet er om du har svar på følgende frågor: 1. När API-adressen för SL-realtidsinformation 4 och störningar 2, vad är det

SITE ID? IS there a list that we should be referring to? Is it unique to the user (us) or something else?

2. We are looking to display all current delays / disturbances regardless of your location. Is dat mogelijk of zijn we alleen in staat on the site tea trek the informatie station één op een tijd?

We tried e-mailing but it bounced back.


  • Hi Samuel,
    A lot of different languages in in post 😀

    Not entirely sure on your question in norwegian, but SL Realtidsinformation 4 contains information about arrival and departures of a specified stop.

    Site ID can be found by using or the console for that API if you are only looking for a few select stations.

    Are you looking for an aggregate of delays and disturbances for the whole of Sweden or only SL? For that you can use SL Störningsinformation 2 and SL Trafikläget.

    An entirely different route would be to use our newest feed which contain rawdata, both static and realtime, in the standardised GTFS format. You can find it here:

    This way you can find all SL realtime disturbance information at once.

    This is good for big analyses. My opinion is also that the GTFS Regional feeds contain a lot more detail than GTFS Sverige 2.

    The contact mail seems to be wrong, try instead.

    Best regards
    Team Trafiklab

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