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Issue with API, gives internal error

https://api.resrobot.se/v2/trip?key=xxx&originId=740000001&destinationId=740000002&date=2017-12-29&time=13:00&searchForArrival=0&format=json was working fine but since almost a week, it was not working and gives the following error 

`{" errorCode ":" INT_ERR "," errorText ":" internal error "}" 

Are there problems with the API? My username is anjesh in https://www.trafiklab.se/



  • Hi Anjesh,
    I have found 2 issues with the api call above. You are using &destinationId, but it should be &destId.

    Second issue is the date, there is no available data for that time period. Please try making these suggested changes and get back to me if your problems persist

    Best regards
    Team Trafiklab
  • Be that as it may, it's still in violation of the API as documented. A missing parameter is supposed to return an API_PARAM, not an INT_ERR. The INT_ERR error code isn't even documented.
  • Many thanks Kenneth. I might have made changes during testing - which i don't recall doing. It's working now. It would be good to know about the undocumented error code as identified by Benjamin.


  • Hi Anjesh and Benjamin,
    I have raised this issue internally and I am awaiting feedback. Sorry for not getting back to you earlier.

    Have a great weekend
    Team Trafiklab

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