Can't add API to the project
Hey! I have a project open and I want to add SL Platsuppslag API - but I can't.
I open project ---> edit ---> choose the API ---> press save. But nothing happens. Can you help me with it?
I open project ---> edit ---> choose the API ---> press save. But nothing happens. Can you help me with it?
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Can you please check if it works now?
Regards Pia

Can we do the RT requests to your API using the stop ID / trip ID / Route ID?
Also we had a proxy error when we tried to enter SL Platsuppslag API
Can you please open a new topic per question? You can also search existing questions here: .
If you open a new issue, please always include the exact API you're talking about, and, if applicable, include a sample request so we can check if contains the right parameters. Don't forget to remove your API keys when sharing example requests. Right now we're missing information to be able to help you.
Best regards,
Thank you!