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Can new Trip Planner API calculate walk-only routes?

Long long ago we created a test that requested walk-only routes from the old ResRobot Reseplanerare API (https://www.trafiklab.se/api/resrobot-reseplane...). And that test passed - walk only routes were returned from the service.

Yesterday we migrated to new version "https://api.resrobot.se/v2/trip" and started getting error: {"errorCode":"SVC_LOC_NEAR","errorText":"start and destination to close"}.

Did new API stop supporting walk-only routes? Or there are special request parameters for this purposes?

API request:

And Google Maps request for comparison:

We played a little bit with parameters originWalk/destWalk, but it didn`t help.



  • Hi Hwbs

    We are looking into this and will probably have an answer next week.

    Best regards

    Team Trafiklab

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