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API: SL Stops and lines v2.0 (Hållplatser och linjer 2)


Only "StopPoints" have coordinates. Where do I find geografik information for "Line"? Maybe with "LineNumber" or "LineDestination"?



  • Hi Manuela,

    What is your use case for this data? If you are interested in the exact route of busses, you could use the GTFS Regional shapes.txt data. GTFS is a worldwide standard and supported in many GIS applications.
    In case you need this data for another purpose you can shortly describe the service so we can think along regarding which dataset/api fits your case best.

    Bert på Trafiklab
  • Hi!

    Thanks for answering.

    I have a web map with many users. The web map includes many layers. Two of these layers show where SL-lines and SL-stops are.

    I want to be able to download SL-stops and lines automatically so I keep my database (and therefore my map) updated. I am aware of that Stops and Lines do not change everyday but they may change some time and when this happens I want my map to be updated automatically.

    I have got SL Stops and Lines delivered via mail as GIS file (shapefile, "Linjer_Hela_2020_01""StopPoint_2020_01") from "beställning geodata" (Region Stockholm). I just want to be able to download this data automatic without needing to do manual requests by email.

    I do not need the data to be in a GIS format, it can be xml or json but I need the data to be georeferenced so that I can create a GIS-file from it.

    I usually download data from Geotorget API (Lantmäteriet) and Laskajen (Trafikverket) and I thought it might be a similar API for SL-data?


  • Hi Manuela,

    The GTFS Regional static data for SL (https://www.trafiklab.se/api/trafiklab-apis/gtfs-regional/) contains a file "shapes.txt" which includes all line shapes, and a file "stops.txt" with all stops data. This should be perfect for GIS applications. You can combine this information with the other "trips.txt" and "routes.txt" files to get more details on the line numbers and destinations.

    Bert på Trafiklab

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