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Vid felrapporter ber vi dig inkludera exakt API-namn och om möjligt ett exempelanrop för att underlätta felsökningen. Glöm inte att ta bort din API-nyckel när du delar ditt exempelanrop.
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Welcome to Trafiklab's user and supportforum. Ask questions, report issues and help us improve with suggestions and ideas!
If you open a new issue, please always include the exact API you're talking about, and, if applicable, include a sample request so we can check if contains the right parameters. Don't forget to remove your API keys when sharing example requests.
Välkommen till Trafiklab:s kund- och supportforum! Ställ frågor, rapportera problem och hjälp oss med förslag och idéer!
Unfortunately we seem to have a problem with "Create project" at the moment. We're working on resolving this issue.
Just wondering if you happen to have a screen dump of what you filled in when create project failed?
Date and time? (So that we can dig in the logs...)
Browser? Operating system?
If I remember correctly, the page will scroll to a field that is not correctly filled in. And display a error message.
This is sometimes not very clear and might also not work in all browsers.
When will you fix this problem?
Is there any way around it?
I'm interested in RT data
I need a more detailed description from you when the bug appears.
Can you describe what you do and what happens?
Regards Pia
I starting with creating a project: put the name for it, select APIs that I need, put a tag tripplanner and then press "save" button on the bottom. The page starts loading and I come back to the same place - the blank new project page. When I open my profile, there are no open projects
I tried to reproduce your case and succeeded. You can use that project if you want I called it Test
Regards Pia
I'm sorry but I do not see it ... Can you maybe send me a link?
Is this API connected to it? https://www.trafiklab.se/api/sl-realtidsinformation-4
I need a key for it
Can you please try again? It should work now.
Have you heard about GTFS Regional? I think it might be interesting for you.
Below you have a link to GTFS Regional
Regards Pia
I see the project now! Thank you - and I'll definately have a look at the GTFS Regional.

The Keys tab is empty though - what is my next step?
If you do like this
go to your profile and select the specific project.
Select API keys
Download key
Agree the terms and conditions.
Regards Pia