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Static data does not match website timetable (gtfs regional static data)


We have noticed the lines for route 941 from Trafikverket Färjerederiet contain differences between the gtfs regional static data and the operators published timetables (https://www.trafikverket.se/contentassets/a55ec5278de24f988002d5f0ae9305de/100164_vaxholms-oxdjupsleden_utg13_web.pdf).

For example, the regional static data suggests there is only a journey at 05:30 on Monday-Friday whereas the operator timetable suggest there are journeys at; 05:00, 05:30 and 05:50, amongst other similar differences.

Do you know if the operator timetable or the static data is the most up to date? We appreciate any insights you might have regarding this.

Kind regards,
Harrison Sheppard (Ito World)


  • Hi Harry,

    We are currently looking into this with our traffic data specialists.

    Bert på Trafiklab
  • Hello Bert,

    Thank you for the response and please keep us updated.

    Kind regards,
  • Hi Harry,

    SL isn't the "owner" of this data, but they added some times manually for travel-planner purposes. To get a complete view of the ferry (operated by Trafikverket), you should obtain this data from Trafikverket. We currently do not have Trafikverkets ferries in our GTFS Regional datasets.

    Bert på Trafiklab

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