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realtidsinformation-4 proxy error

Hi! I'm trying to use realtidsinformationV4, it works good when I'm sending request by browser directly. But it returns StatusCode 1008, Message:Proxy error when I'm using Noodl's REST module to connect it. Can you please have a look? Thanks!<>key&siteid=9294&timewindow=5


  • HI Yang
    SLwill help you with this issue
    Regards Pia

    Team Trafiklab
  • I’m using Noodl as platform. Station search API works fine. Just real time information has problem.
  • Hi,

    The call seems fine.
    I'm thinking that Noodle maybe is sending some header which is not accepted somehow. Is this happening always or sometimes? Is this being run in the "backend" in Noodl or is it a "front-end" (javascript) call?

    Best regards
    Erik B.

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