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Vid felrapporter ber vi dig inkludera exakt API-namn och om möjligt ett exempelanrop för att underlätta felsökningen. Glöm inte att ta bort din API-nyckel när du delar ditt exempelanrop.
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Welcome to Trafiklab's user and supportforum. Ask questions, report issues and help us improve with suggestions and ideas!
If you open a new issue, please always include the exact API you're talking about, and, if applicable, include a sample request so we can check if contains the right parameters. Don't forget to remove your API keys when sharing example requests.
Välkommen till Trafiklab:s kund- och supportforum! Ställ frågor, rapportera problem och hjälp oss med förslag och idéer!
Hi Fabrizio!
Have You looked in the junk-mail box?
I think that You found the email from Trafiklab there when You registered Your account.
Best regards, Åke
Yes, I found it there, in fact. After a while I think Gmail learned to leave messages from Trafiklab alone. Yet when I try to change the temporary password as instructed, the relative form leaves the old password empty and so it dos not accept my new password.
Regards, Fabrizio
Yes, I found it there, in fact; after a while I think Gmail learnt to accept mails to Traficklab. Yet when I try to change it as instructed, the old password field is left empty and so it does not accept my new password leaving me with the temporary account.
I do not know if you also in charge for that, but I am having problems in finding my way inside the system. I would need to simply have the bus and metro lines for a city and their poles with the coordinates (hopefully in regular format, but I understood this is available in addition to the imperial one), and the arriving times at each of them in real time. Not a big deal if it were not in Swedish and some of the apis did not give error messages.
I would be grateful if you gave me a schema of the apis to use for my need.
Thanks, Fabrizio