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Välkommen till Trafiklab:s kund- och supportforum! Ställ frågor, rapportera problem och hjälp oss med förslag och idéer!
I'm not sure which GTFS feed you mean, as we have multiple, but I assume you are talking about the GTFS Regional feed.
Details on fetching those files can be found in the specification on our site: https://www.trafiklab.se/api/trafiklab-apis/gtfs-regional/static-spec/
The URL structure is https://opendata.samtrafiken.se/gtfs/{operator}/{operator}.zip , so for example https://opendata.samtrafiken.se/gtfs/dintur/dintur.zip .
Keys can be obtained through the developer portal at developer.trafiklab.se, see https://www.trafiklab.se/docs/using-trafiklab/getting-started/
Do you also have an API for GTFS Sverige 2 or should I download that from https://data.samtrafiken.se/trafiklab/gtfs-sverige-2/ ?
GTFS Sverige 2 is another one of our APIs: https://www.trafiklab.se/api/trafiklab-apis/gtfs-sverige-2/
Sorry if I'm being a bit thick, I can't figure out how to get the actual data from that page (https://www.trafiklab.se/api/trafiklab-apis/gtfs-sverige-2/) it says that the data exists but not where to find it. The page "GTFS Sverige 2 -> Static data" (https://www.trafiklab.se/api/trafiklab-apis/gtfs-sverige-2/static-data/) doesn't contain a link to the data either, but a description of what is required to fetch the data.
This is definitely our mistake, I noticed just now that the link isn't included on that page, while there is no specifications page either (for GTFS Regional the links were moved to a specifications page, but such a page does not exist for GTFS Sverige 2).
We will fix this as soon as possible, in the meanwhile you can find the GTFS files at https://api.resrobot.se/gtfs/sweden.zip?key=APIKEY , with historic GTFS data being available at https://data.samtrafiken.se/trafiklab/gtfs-sverige-2/2021/11/
Sorry for the inconvenience.