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Key was disabled by provider

Today I found my both iOS and Android API-keys are disabled all a sudden. Does any one know the reason and how to fix it.
Now my apps are all down. It is very urgent. please help. thanks a lot.

"StatusCode": 1002,
"Message": "problem with request: Key is invalid"


  • Today I found my both iOS and Android API keys are disabled all a sudden. Does any one know the reason and how to fix it.
    Now my apps are all down. It is very urgent. please help. thanks a lot.

    "Status Code": 1002,
    "message": "problemswith request: Key is invalid"

  • Hi Tang Zhihui

    Sorry to hear that your keys are gone, I will contact SL and see if there is anything we can do about it.

    The fastest way to fix it right now is to create new keys and upload them to your apps.

    Happy holliday

    Team Trafiklab
  • Thank you very much.
    now seems the keys are back. Hope it won't happen again. It is too scary.

    have a nice day!

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