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Internal error

Some requests made to the Resbot API return an internal server error; for example:

GET request:<INSERT-KEY-HERE>&originCoordLat=18.0579&destCoordLat=55.618&format=xml

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Error xmlns="hafas_rest_v1" errorCode="INT_ERR" errorText="internal error"/>

I would appreciate any assistance with this issue.


  • Hi Aaron

    You need to specify two coordinates you travel between.
    So you need to have originCordLat, originCoordLong and destCordLat, destCoordLong.

    Here is an example:<INSERT-KEY-HERE>&originCoordLong=11.971439&originCoordLat=

    Best regards

    Team Trafiklab
  • Hi Daniel,

    Thank you for your prompt response. I accidentally excluded some params from the request provided above. The complete request is as follows:<INSERT KEY HERE>&originCoordLat=58.789&destCoordLat=55.618&format=xml&originCoordLong=16.9154&destCoordLong=12.6508

    This, too, returns an internal error, when it should not.

    Again, I greatly appreciate your assistance.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Aaron

    When our api cant find a trip from one coordinate to another we return internal server error.

    I think our api have a hard time finding a trip between those two coordinates.

    Best regards

    Team Trafiklab
  • Hi Daniel,

    Once again, thank you for your reply.

    Do you have any recommendation(s) regarding how to best work around this limitation?

    Kind regards,

  • Hi Aaron

    Sorry but cant find a good solution to your problem because our api cant find a trip between those two points. Maybe just tell the user there is no trips.

    Best regard

    Team Trafiklab

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