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How to get GTFS3 stop_id from Netex Stops data?

How do we get stop_id used in GTFS Sverige 3 from any quay attribute in the "Stops data" Netex file, such as for example "local-stoppoint-gid". They seem to match only partially.

For example: 9022001013759001 in Stops data Netex vs 9022050011911001 in GTFS3.

Does various sections of these numbers carry a specific content?


  • Hi, and sorry for the late response.

    The GTFS id is built up from the Stop area and quay number.
    In this case, the NeTEx StopPlace is SE:050:StopPlace:11911.
    The GTFS id is therefore 9022 050 0011911 001 for the first quay in StopPlace 11911 and namespace/operator 050 (aggregated sweden data).

    The link described above works now but may stop working in the future, especially if we adjust ids to match between datasets. We'll check if its possible to use the same quay ids (for example 11911001) in the NeTEx dataset as in the GTFS dataset.

    Bert på Trafiklab

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