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GTFS-RT regional

Hello, I'm having trouble accessing live data with your API "GTFS regional" for SL brands in Stockholm (Tunnelbana, Lokalbana, Buss, and Spårvagn). I haven't seen any errors but the data isn't being returned. Can you provide me with an update on when this API will be stable again or point me towards a more dependable API?


  • Hi Silvia,

    I have just tested the file you mentioned and the download works fine. I received a +-44mb file which was created at 02:24 this night.

    Are you sure there are no errors in the response from the web server? En example would be an API key which has exceeded its quota, which would return an HTTP 429 response code along with an error message.

    Bert på Trafiklab
  • Yes, we have received a response code 200, indicating that the API is functioning properly. However, the response is empty and does not include any information regarding arrival times at any stops. Additionally, the API has been experiencing intermittent outages for the past few weeks, lasting for a few hours each day, it hasn't been down for the whole time the past week, in fact when you tested it, it was working properly.
  • Hi Silvia,

    We suspect that you are confusing different APIs/datasets. Are you by any chance talking about SL Realtidsinformation 4 instead of GTFS Regional?

    Bert på Trafiklab

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