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GTFS Regional Realtime data : TripUpdates

hi, I would like to ask if it's possible to add route_ids to all the trip updates in the API, as this would help us transmit the information faster to the users. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks
Othmane Akhsas


  • Hi Othmane,

    This is currently not possible, but can easily be done on the client side by using the trips.txt file from the static data.

    Bert på Trafiklab
  • Hi Bert, may I ask why is this not possible ?
    Othmane Akhsas
  • Hi Othmane,

    Due to how data flows internally and the requirements on the systems providing the throughput, this would have a negative impact on the performance and reliability of said systems. As I staded before, handling this on the client side is trivial.

    Bert på Trafiklab

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