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GTFS Realtime Sweden Vehicle Positions for SL Metro missing

Before the weekend the API returned all vehicle positions as expected, but today (Saturday) the SL realtime API is not delivering position updates for Metro, Pendeltåg, and Ferries anymore.
Data for Buses is still available as expected.

This issue is not reported on http://status.trafiklab.se/8155946
Jonathan Arns


  • Thanks for reporting this, we will take it further and check with SL.

    Best regards,
    Sofie på Trafiklab
  • Thank you! It seems fixed already though.
    Seems like there was some issue with the trafiklab API on that weekend overall. It was all resolved on Monday morning.
    Jonathan Arns
  • Ok perfect, thanks for your input!

    Best regards,
    Sofie på Trafiklab

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