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Vid felrapporter ber vi dig inkludera exakt API-namn och om möjligt ett exempelanrop för att underlätta felsökningen. Glöm inte att ta bort din API-nyckel när du delar ditt exempelanrop.
Undrar du hur du får tillgäng Trafiklabs data? Läs vår introduktion här: https://www.trafiklab.se/hur-gor-jag
Welcome to Trafiklab's user and supportforum. Ask questions, report issues and help us improve with suggestions and ideas!
If you open a new issue, please always include the exact API you're talking about, and, if applicable, include a sample request so we can check if contains the right parameters. Don't forget to remove your API keys when sharing example requests.
Välkommen till Trafiklab:s kund- och supportforum! Ställ frågor, rapportera problem och hjälp oss med förslag och idéer!
The GTFS Sverige 2 archives can be found at https://data.samtrafiken.se/trafiklab/gtfs-sverige-2/.
We are working on publishing the GTFS Regional archives, they are meant to be available around summer.
In your reply to Chiara you wrote that you hope to have the GTFS Regional archives available by summer. Have they been published?
We found some issues with the usability of the archives and made some adjustments, so that they are easier to use and take up less space. This caused us some delays, but the goal is to publish them this week!
This data is now available at https://www.trafiklab.se/api/trafiklab-apis/koda/ .
Please let us know what you think, and don't hesitate to ask questions if the documentation is unclear.