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Get the stop where to change in the search api

I am trying to produce the path from a location to another by using the api at:
yet, in the result I obtain, similar to the one in the sample, it is not indicated the number of the stop and the station name, for example Öresundståg, is not present in the stops, but just in the routes. Same for Krösatågen.

If I try to find the route from Åkerivägen to Värdsholmsgatan by means of the url:

I get no results altogether.

It seems the only reliable returned paths are the ones to do walking...

Did I make something wrong or is there a better api for the job?



  • Hello Fabrizio!

    Your free support time is since long time past. Trafiklab is willing to continue supporting You on consulting basis.

    Trafiklab will charge You a fee of 75 Euro/hour.
    Please, send us Your E-mail address for the invoice.

    Include in the E-mail #hours that You want to pay for Trafiklabs support.

    Best regards, Åke

    Team Trafiklab
  • I would take about three years to repay the cost, given the app is free to download and upon subscription. I could pay 100 Euros for the full support for the waiting times and directions according to the needs of the app. The same I paid for the full support for London, including the loading of the stops I already did. Otherwise I will go to people per hour with a similar request.

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