Difference between GTFS and NeTEx

The API docs only talk very vaguely about that the NeTEx data is more detailed.
But what exactly does that mean?


  • Hi Matthias,
    It mainly means that you can fit more details into a NeTEx datset than a GTFS dataset. For example if you look at the Stops file. In NeTex you could find geography information (country, county, municipality), information about where the entrances to a station are and accessibility information/limitations, to name a few which you can not find in the GTFS data.

    Here is the datastructure for GTFS (https://www.trafiklab.se/api/gtfs-datasets/overview/), which is quite simple to use and easy to understand and suits most of our users with the information it contains.

    Below link takes you to the dokumentation of how Samtrafiken exports data in the NeTEx format according to the Nordic NeTEx Profile (the one you can find on Trafiklab), if you would like to take a deeper dive into the data structure of NeTEx.


    Best regards,

    Sofie på Trafiklab
  • Perfect! Thanks a lot!

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