Välkommen till Trafiklab:s användare- och supportforum! Ställ frågor, rapportera problem och hjälp oss med förslag och idéer!
Vid felrapporter ber vi dig inkludera exakt API-namn och om möjligt ett exempelanrop för att underlätta felsökningen. Glöm inte att ta bort din API-nyckel när du delar ditt exempelanrop.
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Welcome to Trafiklab's user and supportforum. Ask questions, report issues and help us improve with suggestions and ideas!
If you open a new issue, please always include the exact API you're talking about, and, if applicable, include a sample request so we can check if contains the right parameters. Don't forget to remove your API keys when sharing example requests.
Välkommen till Trafiklab:s kund- och supportforum! Ställ frågor, rapportera problem och hjälp oss med förslag och idéer!
You can add additional APIs to your project by going to your project, clicking edit (redigera) and mark the APIs you want to add. Scroll down all the way and press save.
I checked your project but couldn't find anything wrong with it, I went ahead and added the ResRobot APIs for you.
Happy coding!
Actually I have another question — we already use this API and we reached our quota for Bronze level. What are the requirements to upgrade to the next level?
Once you filled in the request form, we will evaluate the request as soon as possible.
Bert, when I open the Keys page, this is what I see:

This is how I see it without Google Translate:

It looks like you received support previously when setting up this project. As a result, the project wasn't really 'owned' by you. I fixed that mistake on our side, everything should work as intended now.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Hey Bert,

The issue is back: it says that I don't have permission to upgrade the keys.
At this time I can't see a way how to fix this. Since this is a result of the way this project was created, I would recommend that you create a new project and add the keys again. This way you should end up with a "normal" project. Let me know if you need more help, sorry for the issues with the plaftorm! (We're aware it isn't perfect and plan on improving)