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Access to NeTEx timetables

I wish to be able to regularly download in NeTEx format the railway timetables for Sweden.  In particular, I think that the sj NeTEx Regional dataset should contain the appropriate data.
Mike Stallybrass


  • Hi Mike,
    You can find all information regarding NetEx Regional and how to download the SJ static data here:

    Kind regrads,
    Sofie på Trafiklab
  • Hi Sofie,
    The web page gives no instructions or links about how to download the data. It only shows that the data is available.
    So my question still is, how can I get access to or download the data?
    Mike Stallybrass
  • Hi Mike,
    From above link it is possible to navigate here:

    SJ is only available as static data and here you should be able to find the information you are looking for.

    If you need more information on how to get started, please see this link on how to create an account:

    In the sidemenu you can also find further instructions on how to create a project and get an API key.

    I hope this information helps.

    Kind regards,
    Sofie på Trafiklab
  • Hi Sofie,
    That worked very well. Many thanks for your help.
    But now a further question - the rail data that I have downloaded ends on December 10th. Yet there must be further rail data available, as Resrobot is giving me train times for the new timetable which starts on December 11th. Do you know when the NeTEx files will be available which include the new T23 timetable?

    Mike Stallybrass
  • Hi Mike,

    I'm glad to hear it.
    I have asked around a bit but unfortunately don´t have a date on when NeTEx will include T23. The trainplan was delayed this year which has caused problems for all the train companys in planning their rail traffic for T23.

    But if it is already available in Resrobot it should probably not be too far away in NeTEx either. SJ will start their ticket sales on November 9 so I would say rail data should be available by that date!

    Best regards

    Sofie på Trafiklab
  • T23 is still not available in NeTEx Regional?
    Erik Eng
  • Hi Erik,
    Thank you for notifying us, we have prioritized the issue and resolved it. You should now be able to see SJ T23 data in the NeTEx Regional.

    Best regards,
    Sofie på Trafiklab

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