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Access to KoDa

Hi, can I check if there is any issue with the KoDa server? I was able to access the files previously but when I tried again today, I received the error message "Gateway Timeout". For example, {my api key}. The same error message appeared when I queried for vehicle positions as well.


  • Hej Michelle,

    Tack för att rapportera detta. Problemet har åtgärdats och tjänsten är tillgängligt igen.

    Bert på Trafiklab
  • HI! 
    Access is unavailable again... i'm trying {key} and get "Gateway Timeout". I can't generate my own key as well from my profile - I get this message: "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later. "
    can you check if there is any issue with the KoDa server again?
  • Hi Efrat,

    This issue has been resolved yesterday, and should hopefully be fixed for good now.

    Bert på Trafiklab
  • Hi, 

    I received the following message when I tried to download the gtfs-static files for days after February 23, 2023. I have no issues to download such files for days before that date. 

    {"error":500,"message":"500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application."}
  • Hi Michelle,

    Static data seems to be missing from the API for the dates from February 23rd to March 1st.
    While we have this data archived in other locations, we unfortunately can't restore these files in the API. Please contact us through e-mail with a list of the files you need, then I'll try to provide them manually.

    Bert på Trafiklab
  • Hi,

    Which email account should I write to? I would like to have access to the static data from February 24 to March 1.
  • You can write to
    Bert på Trafiklab

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